History of Curling
Curling originated from Scotland in the 16th Century. It featured as a demonstration event at the 1924 Winter Olympic Games in Chamonix, France, and was formally added as a medal sport event at the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan.
Today, the main Olympic medal disciplines include: Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles, while the Paralympic discipline is Wheelchair Curling.
For more details, please refer to:
History of Curling
How do you play curling?
2 teams slide 20kg granite stones across a sheet of curling ice toward the "house" (the circular target)
the stones travel on a naturally "curved" path
Sweeping makes stone travel a straighter path and longer distance.
Points are scored for stones resting closest to centre of the house after each end (there are usually 8 to 10 "ends" in each curling game)

Why do we love curling?
Curling may look easy but it is harder than you think!
Curling is a precision sport which demands:
Curling is a precision sport which demands:
Balance (falling happens to the best of us ...)
Physical Strength (sweeping continuously takes energy ...)
Teamwork (it’s not just shouting and yelling, but making judgment calls based on constant communication with the players …)
Strategy (there are endless scenarios involving different tactics … that’s why curling is sometimes known as “chess on ice”).